Puppy Apartment Reviews
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Over 100,000 dogs have been successfully potty-trained by the innovative Potty Training Puppy Apartment. They still continue to use their PTPA as an indoor doggie bathroom after they have been potty-trained.
In this special section of our site we feature reviews and testimonials from PTPA customers. You can also see more reviews from all over the world on our Facebook page. Above, you can view a video highlighting a small sample of happy customers who are using our proven system and device. Below, you can read the full review for each dog and also see some new dogs. They simply followed our training tips in our instructional video and had great results!
"Koda from New York"

Koda is our newest addition to our furry family, and is an adorable little Chocolate Sable Pomeranian puppy. He is doing great with potty training thanks to the PTPA.
We wanted to train him to go potty outside with his big sister Moxie, but also wanted an alternative for him to use in the house at night while we're sleeping. As you know, puppies go potty every 1-2 hours when they're small, and 15 minutes after they eat or drink - so it's hard for them to hold it throughout the night while we're sleeping and sleep deprivation is challenging for a human when you have to work the next day! We were also juggling care for Moxie, who recently had hip surgery to correct hip dysplasia that she was born with...and the PTPA helped to reduce the chaos while we juggled life with our new puppy Koda, and care for our recovering dog, Moxie.
So, I purchased the PTPA and the gated enclosure (PTPA Playpen) to get started. When we took Koda home, he was only 9 weeks old. We got him used to sleeping in his little one bedroom, one bathroom puppy apartment, and we used the PTPA at night while we're sleeping as a training tool - - and he loves his puppy apartment. He goes potty in the bathroom section throughout the night and when we wake up in the morning, we take him outside, and he goes potty on command in our yard! During the day, we leave him in his PTPA Playpen area with his PTPA and he uses the bathroom section whenever he has to go potty. We're in Level 2 training now, and he's only 13 weeks old!
We're so grateful to have such a great learning tool to use, while we're training our little guy. It's given us piece of mind during the early stages of puppyhood and in our everyday life.
Thanks PTPA!
Annie & Dan - New York
"Gabby from California"
What a terrific solution to that housebreaking chore every puppy owner dreads!
I purchased my Puppy Apartment 6 months ago. My precious tiny Yorkie, Gabby, was 12 weeks old when she was introduced to her Puppy Apartment. The first night she was in her little bedroom, she went potty on the potty pad and then went to sleep. She never made a mistake during the night. During the day she was gated in a large bathroom area. I took her to the Puppy Apartment occasionally as a reminder, but she caught on quickly.
I moved to a new home 2 months ago and was apprehensive about letting her run free, especially in new surroundings. I showed her where I placed her Puppy Apartment in my new home to remind her of where to go potty and since then, she has used her Puppy Apartment 100% of the time!
Yorkies can be difficult to housebreak and I am so proud of her. I am so grateful for this wonderful invention!
I heartedly recommend the Puppy Apartment to everyone who is looking for an easy, practical housebreaking experience with their puppy!!
Charlene - California
"Fraulien from North Carolina"
These past few months have probably been the most challenging and unsettling of my entire life. I lost my dear husband and best friend to an onset of sudden liver cancer and my world was shattered. My son being active duty in the US Marine Corps was very concerned for me and had read about pet-therapy. He was devastated about the loss of his father and now he had his mom & sister at home alone with him about to be deployed. So he decided I needed a pup to help me overcome my deep grief. He had worked with German Shepherds while in Afghanistan during his last tour and a GSD pup would be the perfect breed to provide a sense of safety given we live on property in a remote area.
He told me he wanted to take me out to dinner while he was on leave helping me adjust and instead took me to the airport and surprised me with Fraulien Hope! I was shocked but how do you look into the eyes of a pup as beautiful as she and think about anything but how she melts your heart?
I have horses - haven't had a pup in the house in years. We took her to the vet the next morning and he informed us that due to her being very prone to Parvo, it would be best for her not to be around other dogs or even outside unsupervised for 3 months. And also this breed is very sociable as I have been learning and does best with their pack leader. They do better indoors. YIKES!
A few days after her arrival, my son left for Camp Lejeune and here I was trying to deal with my severe sadness and a brand new bouncing CHILD in my house! I had potty pads taped all over the house! All I did was chase this pup around and one time I fell face-first while trying to step over the puppy gate I used to keep her in my bedroom while trying to cook and ended up with a severely bruised face and a lot of pain.
In tears, I went online searching for a solution. I had lost my husband and any sense of normalcy in my life due to this beautiful little WILD gift! While on YouTube trying to learn anything I could about housebreaking a pup - I happened upon the Puppy Apartment. I was absolutely amazed watching those dogs hop in - do their business, hop out and go. I immediately went to their website and haven't looked back since, ha!
I ordered the XLarge Puppy Apartment and even though my finances were limited I went ahead and decided to purchase the PTPA Playpen as well. What a WISE decision I made to order the playpen as well. She LOVES her Puppy Apartment, but also the ability to come out and play in her own personal playpen, which is like a mini-yard! And the way they have designed the playpen, you can configure it into either a small area or very large area. It is easily transportable as well, so when I travel, I just fold it up and slip it into my SUV and off we go. In just a matter of 2 weeks, she was happy to use her pads and quite content hanging out in her yard! I now had the luxury to schedule her outside playtime with my supervision, on my terms. I even set the playpen up so she could run in and out onto our front deck! It's been WONDERFUL to have my life back due to these marvelous high quality products!
In closing, it is stated in the Instructional Training DVD that comes with the Puppy Apartment, that the PTPA Potty Pads are designed to be the absolute best on the market for odor control and their ability to absorb. I total agree these pads are awesome, but because I live on the east coast, the S&H was a little high so after using up those that came with my order, I went out and purchased some from our local Pet Store. BIG MISTAKE. When Fraulien went #1 (!), the urine just puddled there! I was in SHOCK - it didn't absorb. So I went online and found another brand, still thinking I didn't want to foot the shipping bill for the PTPA Potty Pads. The second package absorbed a little better, but I would still find little wet footprints that when tested with my black light, sure enough - she was tracking urine in her Playpen area. And all of a sudden I was finding 'accidents'. Her scent was no longer confined to her own personal restroom, it was tracked all over her area. She came designed from the factory (natural instinct) with the ability to smell her scent and feel comfortable 'going' there! Needless to say, I am back and completely committed to the PTPA Potty Pads and my girl is back urinating on the PTPA Potty Pads 100% of the time, at only 4 months! I will forever endorse these pads exclusively to my friends & family - and will never again be without them!
Susan - North Carolina
"Bella from Pennsylvania"
The PTPA is amazing, and is by far the greatest invention ever!
A week before my boyfriend and I were going to pick up our newest addition to the family, we did some research on trying to find the best crates available - man, did we hit the jackpot! 20 seconds into the demo video on the Modern Puppies website, I knew that this was the right product for Bella and us. I even went outside of the website to research additional testimonials and the reviews were great. I know now that I should've expected nothing less!
Bella is a pure breed Yorkshire Terrier and we got her when she was about 3 months old. She was the sweetest thing ever (and still is!), but I was very apprehensive about house breaking her because Yorkies are notorious for being challenging to potty train. I don't know why I even worried because she was EASILY trained within a week! As an added bonus, the PTPA kept us from having to go outside - we purchased Bella in the dead middle of winter where it would have been a huge fuss to take her out in the cold multiple times where she'd surely freeze. Because of her young age, she still had occasional accidents, but Bella knew where to do her business - she just wouldn't make it to the PTPA in time because of her tiny bladder. I can't tell you how much unnecessary stress that the PTPA was able to alleviate for me as a new pet owner. Potty training Bella was one of my biggest concerns and it really should've been the least of my worries.
Now at 4 months old, Bella has made it to the final training stage where she is able to roam free around the house. Plus, she's trained to go indoors and outdoors (now that the weather is warmer)! It's a nice feeling when you're able to have confidence in your dog and have a mutual understanding. When my boyfriend and I leave the house for a quick workout at the gym, we don't have to lock Bella up; we come back to a clean house where all her business is done in her PTPA. She also has the option to sleep in her nice and cozy dog bed (outside of the PTPA) at night if she wishes to do so because she will take herself into the PTPA if she needs to relieve herself. Keep in mind that you still need to practice good patience when training your dog, but with the PTPA, your stress will seriously be reduced.
I highly recommend the PTPA and have been raving about it to all my friends. I am an extremely critical consumer that does her homework before buying anything online and I wouldn't take the time to write this testimonial if I didn't think the product was worth purchasing. So do yourself (and your dog) a huge favor and try out the PTPA for yourself to see how you like it. You'll never go back to other training methods!
Janipher and Hugo - Pennsylvania
"Cooper from Missouri"
I just picked up my new puppy yesterday, Cooper; he is 8 weeks old and is having huge success with his new apartment. Last night was his first night home, he woke up, used his bathroom and went back to sleep. I was thrilled! No getting dressed to take him out to go! He woke up in the morning, I placed him in the bathroom and told him go potty, and waited a few minutes and he did! He has been using it all day, and he goes straight to it to go potty, we have the door open so he can go in and out, he is confined to the kitchen.
I also have a one-year-old female of the same breed (Maltese mix) and it is all too familiar getting up in the middle of the night to take her out. Once the puppy is trained I will be re-training her to use the apartment as well.
So happy with this purchase!
Barbara - Missouri
"Zoey from Florida"
Thank you for the great customer service I've received. This is my second Puppy Apartment I've owned and wouldn't do anything different!
I have a PTPA for our Toy Schnauzer, Lexy, and now a XXLarge PTPA for our Giant Schnauzer puppy, Zoey. These PTPAs take a lot of stress off the table in regards to potty training. What's also great about the PTPA is that if there is a rain storm outside, they don't have to hold it until the storm passes. They just go to the PTPA to potty.
Will definitely recommend to all!!!
Tiffany - Florida
"Charlie from Louisiana"
The PTPA is "the best" product on the market for potty training your puppy/dog. I would highly recommend this product to anyone who is looking for the perfect solution to potty training.
We purchased our PTPA a few weeks before we picked up our precious Toy Yorkie, Charlie. We watched the instructional DVD that comes with the Puppy Apartment and I have to say that watching the DVD made me feel 100% confident that I could potty train our little girl. Charlie was 9 weeks old when we brought her home. We used the advice of the Instructional DVD and to our amazement she took to her Puppy Apartment instantly.
Charlie is now 14 weeks old. She loves her Puppy Apartment so much! It gives her privacy and she knows that it's just for her. She is now in Level 2 of the potty training process. She goes to the potty on her own or by us using the command "go potty". It's amazing at how fast she has learned to use her Puppy Apartment. I am so grateful to Modern Puppies for this fantastic invention. It gives us piece of mind knowing that Charlie knows where to go to potty and the best part is she learned in so little time!!
Charlie is a very energetic dog. She plays all day long, but when she has the urge to potty she runs as fast as she can all the way to the laundry room to potty in her PTPA. When she uses the potty she makes sure everyone knows about it. She runs in circles and wags her tail. We praise her and make a very big deal about her accomplishment. This is by far the best potty training tool and investment for anyone who is wanting to train their new puppy!!
When ordering Charlie's Puppy Apartment we also bought a bulk pack of the PTPA Potty Pads. We have already placed another order of the potty pads. They work so well and we never have any odors in our house. I would highly recommend getting these potty pads with your purchase. You will be amazed at how well they work. We will be a customer of Modern Puppies for a lifetime.
Brady and Stephanie - Louisiana
"Lil Bit from Illinois"
We ordered the Puppy Apartment for Lil Bit, hoping for an easy way to train a miniature dachshund that was 8 months old. We heard that doxies are very stubborn and difficult to potty train. We were amazed that Lil Bit was ready for Level 2 training after the first night. He was completely potty trained after one week and loves using the PTPA. Our townhouse is located in an area with many coyotes and it would be unsafe to take Lil Bit outside after dark. The PTPA has given us peace of mind and eliminated tons of time in potty training.
Thank you,
Gary & Peggy - Illinois
"Oliver from Texas"
I work for a Trade Showroom in Dallas, and everyone here is an animal lover through and through. So much so, our owners have three Westies and one Norwich Terrier that do their jobs roaming our floors, greeting guests and putting smiles on faces. I had the privilege to doggie sit these four little rascals twice when my bosses left for Christmas Vacation.
I always wanted a dog, specifically a Westie, but was unsure if I would have the confidence, patience, or time necessary for house training a puppy with my busy work schedule. One day out of curiosity, I did a quick search for West Highland Terrier breeders in my area, and “conveniently” the one closest to me just had a fresh batch of puppies. I called her and before letting all objections cloud my decision-making processes, I gave a deposit. After realizing what I had just done, I scrambled to dig up every piece of information I could on potty training. While furiously googling, I came across the “Potty Training Puppy Apartment” video on YouTube. After watching it, I thought to myself, “this is something I have to try”.
When I received the PTPA, I watched the entire Instructional DVD (A MUST SEE BEFORE YOU GET YOUR PUP), and was flooded with all the confidence I needed. I picked up Oliver, brought him home and without even showing him around his new Puppy Apartment, he instantly went into his bedroom, plopped down and had himself a little snooze-fest. To my amazement, he got the whole concept with minimal help from me. He knew where to potty and where to sleep. I’ve been working with Oliver every day per the Instructional DVD. Please understand he’s still a puppy and has occasional accidents, but this system has made training a no-brainer. Oliver may be “smarter than the average bear”, but I highly recommend having the PTPA in your life. I couldn’t be happier or more relieved someone had this idea. My little punkin-butt and I are thrilled!
Michael – Texas
"Yuri from Kentucky"
Yuri is a beautiful Shiba Inu who recently became part of our Army family. He was eight weeks old when we picked him up and we wanted to make sure we started potty training him immediately!
Upon searching the internet, we decided to go with the Puppy Apartment because I found no other concept that made sense. While we were waiting for his Puppy Apartment, we tried several different potty techniques but to no avail, we had so many accidents. VERY frustrating!!
We've had his Large Puppy Apartment for over 2 months now and Yuri is doing fantastic! We've had NO accidents. He just picked up on it and is doing great! We are so grateful to the makers of the PTPA as we have every confidence that Yuri will grow to love it as much as we have!!
April – Fort Campbell, Kentucky
"Poppy from Michigan"
I just had to write and tell you how pleased we are with your product. I have attached some pictures of our little fur baby so you can see how small she really is.
We’ve been using the PTPA for almost 2 weeks. Poppy is our new Shih Tzu puppy. She weighed 3 oz. when she was born. She is almost 9 weeks old and weighs l lb. She is the runt of the litter. Her expected weight is 5 lbs. The breeder recommended keeping Poppy indoors until she has had all her shots. With that in mind I did some online research for some sort of litter box for dogs when I came across your website. After watching the video on your site and on Youtube, I ordered the small PTPA, playpen, bedding and potty pads. (I love that real pets were used to demonstrate the apartment.) I wasn’t sure which size to go with because you never know for sure how big a runt will get. I played it safe and went with the small.
Poppy wasn’t quite 8 weeks old when we brought her home. The breeder had used the pads so Poppy knew just what to do. But now it would be a “special” place to go instead of a pad on the floor. As soon as we got home I placed her in her bathroom and used the “go potty” command. And she did! She had a couple of accidents but with persistence and patience she got the idea and now uses it every time. She hasn’t had an accident in 3 days. That’s pretty good for a puppy that’s not even 9 weeks old yet. We are amazed! The free DVD that comes with the PTPA is very helpful. I also like that the doors come off easily and there are rollers on the bottom of the PTPA for easy moving. Sturdy PTPA and playpen too.
On Poppy’s first night with us we placed her Puppy Apartment on a table, in our bedroom, next to the bed so she could see us. She whined a little the first couple of nights but just for a few minutes. That subsided after a few nights. Now she sleeps in her bedroom and uses her bathroom every night. How easy was that! No more going out in the middle of the night or bad weather conditions. We live in Michigan and our winters can be brutal.
In the past, I crate trained two of our dogs the old fashioned way. I hated doing that then, but there was no other choice. I think your product is going to change that thinking and become the norm. This method is so much more humane.
I can’t tell you how pleased we are with our purchase. It’s worth every penny. The PTPA is wonderful. We highly recommend it!
Lynn - Michigan
"Nina from Canada"
Nina is a 3-year-old, 3 lb. Chihuahua. We love her size, but her size makes it very difficult for her to go outside to go potty in the winter. The past two winters have been difficult for her with the snow and the rain and the cold. So we decided to purchase the Puppy Apartment to make her third winter a safer and warmer winter.
She took to the Puppy Apartment right off the start. While we are at work we have all three doors closed. When we arrive home we leave her Bedroom door open and she uses the Bathroom at her leisure. I wish we had this Puppy Apartment the last 10 years for our other dogs. Love it and thanks!
Ken & Debbie & Herd - Canada
"Rooney from Pennsylvania"
Before the PTPA, potty training was a hit or miss with our 10 week old Italian Greyhound, Rooney. We were recommended by a family member to look into the PTPA as a solution to our training woes. The initial purchase of the PTPA, bed, and potty pads seemed daunting at first, but the investment has proven to be worth the price.
The PTPA was easy to set up and only took a few minutes. We placed the PTPA in the living room where it could be easily accessed by Rooney and closely monitored (and therefore rewarded) by us. It was an instant success! The PTPA potty pad really did seem to attract Rooney to use it as his personal bathroom and the bed was more than comfy enough for his afternoon naps.
Since using the PTPA, we have seen a dramatic increase in potty training progress and have noticed that our little guy enjoys his new-found privacy as well. The peace of mind we have gained from the PTPA is truly invaluable! Only a couple weeks after setting up the PTPA and we can safely leave for work and know that our home will be safe from accidents and Rooney will have his own place to relax.
Thank you, Modern Puppies!
Mandy & Will – Pennsylvania
"Chikis & Bossy from California"
The PTPA works great with my yorkie, Chikis and my boston terrier, Bossy. Chikis is on level 2 in a Small PTPA while Bossy is on level 1 in a Medium PTPA due to the adult size to come in the near future. I don't have to say any commands, its natural for my dogs to pick it up on their own! I highly recommend the PTPA for all dog masters (not just owners) looking to potty train their dogs quickly. I hope to get to level 3 soon with Chikis and move her out the playpen. Congrats on a great innovation Modern Puppies! Who would've thought having a bedroom and bathroom Puppy Apartment would do the trick.
Marco - California
"Domino from Texas"
We didn't know if we could have a dog in our apartment building, we live on the 8th floor, but she was so cute! We couldn't say no, we knew she was going to get big and crate training seemed so mean. We decided to purchase the XLarge Puppy Apartment for Domino who is blue heeler, which is also known as an Australian Cattle Dog.
With the Puppy Apartment we didn't have to worry, we absolutely love it and so does Domino! She loves to take her toys in there and she has a bed in and out of the Puppy Apartment. Now we don't need an eight flight down voyage for her potty walks and we love letting her drink water whenever she's thirsty. The Puppy Apartment is a wonderful investment for my Domino and my carpets!
Elizabeth - Texas
"Nami from Canada"
Meet my tiny, furry friend, Nami, a toy poodle breed. I introduced Nami to the PTPA when she was only 8 weeks old. The first night when she was in her new PTPA she was crying when we left her alone. As the second night came, it was amazing how quick the transformation was and she stopped crying. She felt very comfortable in her PTPA and she quickly learned where she needs to go potty. During the day when she is around the living room playing and running, she gives me a cue to potty, I would just say “go potty” and she instantly walks inside the PTPA, and does it. I learned the “go potty” technique from the Instructional DVD that came with the PTPA.
This product certainly was a lifesaver for the family and us. The PTPA serves as a tool to enhance Nami’s potty training and eliminates urine smell around the house. Now at 4 months, during the night I gradually trained her on Level 2 training. I am now leaving her in the living room unsupervised with her bed outside of the PTPA. Once again, I am amazed how she never made a mess and always pottied in her PTPA.
Thank you for having this brilliant invention. I would certainly recommend it to anyone.
Christine & Choy - Toronto, Ontario Canada
"Jazz from Missouri"
I recently purchased a PTPA for my Shih Tzu, Jazz. After hearing that Shih Tzu's were difficult to train, I was a little hesitant. Within a few days my puppy knew exactly what to do. It was the easiest house training experience I have ever had. The PTPA is the best way for potty training your puppy. Based on my experience, I would strongly recommend the Puppy Apartment.
Lauretta – Missouri
"Coco from Georgia"
I purchased my PTPA prior to getting my puppy Coco a Boston Terrier. When I brought the pup home at 6 weeks old the first night was a little challenging but by the 3rd night Coco was getting the swing of things. I must say I was totally surprised considering I watched the YouTube videos and thought maybe they were staged, but to my surprise my very own puppy was using the Puppy Apartment just like the videos.
I am a totally satisfied customer and would highly recommend this for anyone considering a new puppy. I can now relax in the other room knowing that when Coco has to use the bathroom she knows she has a place to go and I have peace of mind.
I am so grateful I looked at the video and took a leap of faith to purchase this product. This has totally changed my mind about potty training a puppy. What used to take months to train has taken me just a little over a week. I consider this money very well spent!
A very satisfied customer,
Eric - Georgia
"Rocky from New Jersey"
Rocky is a blue nose Pitbull and he is 4 months old. We got the XLarge Puppy Apartment when he was only 8 weeks old. It took us about 2 weeks to have Rocky trained in the Puppy Apartment without having any accidents in the house. It has been a true blessing to us to have the Puppy Apartment. Rocky is now eliminating outside as well. It gives us peace of mind knowing that Rocky has a place to relieve himself (his bathroom) in the event that I cannot take him out; because I do have two toddlers that take up a lot of my time as well. We are so glad that we invested in the Puppy Apartment and Rocky is too. He sleeps all night in his bedroom and loves every minute. Thank you Modern Puppies.
The Ynoa Family – New Jersey
"Clarence from Colorado"
Clarence, our Yorkie, is the new addition to our family. He is our first small breed dog and we knew things would have to be different for him. It was just by chance that I found Modern Puppies on the internet. But once I saw the product I was sold.
We received Clarence at 7 weeks. His first night in the PTPA was a breeze!! I had it next to my bed, sitting on a coffee table so he could see me. No crying and yes he went potty in the apartment! It was around 9 weeks that he put two and two together and realized to go in the apartment during the day. He was not perfect at this age but we continued to follow the training tips in the Instructional DVD, which was key. We slowly expanded his area and now at 16 weeks he has the whole main level of the house to play and be with us and is 99% potty trained in the apartment. It is like a light bulb goes on and he trots over to the apartment and does his business. He of course is rewarded each time.
When we took a trip to Aspen, CO we brought the PTPA with us. Clarence was only 11 weeks old. Yes, Clarence used the apartment while we were in the car to go potty!! We didn't have to stop every hour and let him out! We then had it set up in the hotel room where he slept and did his business. It was wonderful!!!
I just ordered my second apartment to have upstairs in our bedroom. The medium is upstairs, for sleeping and the small will be used on the main level completely for going potty. We will be ordering a wooden cover to help it blend in with our other furniture. This product really is a blessing and when you follow the directions and have patience it really works!!
Kendra – Colorado
"Hamlet & Ophellia from Virginia"
Hamlet and Ophellia love the Puppy Apartment! I don't even have to make them get in it; they just go with the snap of my fingers. They are learning very well. It has been 3 weeks and there are no more pee pee accidents at all from Hamlet and he has mastered the pooping too. Ophellia is just now starting to get it, she is the younger one. They both love sleeping in there at night. The first couple of nights she cried for a bit but now they both sleep curled up together. I think in a few more weeks Ophellia (Fi Fi) will have it down and I will not have to worry about my carpets any more.
Thank you,
Nicole - Virginia
"Moxie from Arizona"
Perfect and Practical, Modern Puppies PTPA is just right for our precious new Morkie – Moxie. Due to our not being able to have children, dogs have always had a place in our home and hearts. The first year of raising a puppy can be and has been the most challenging and rewarding. Being without a puppy in some time, we decided after many “pros and cons” consideration to have ONE more “puppy” year.
Thanks to the people at Modern Puppies, almost all the “cons” were simply eliminated. Hooray!!
We received the PTPA 2 days prior to getting Moxie. Little did we know that my husband would break his wrist within the first week of having a new puppy in the house. Thanks to our new PTPA (mobile mansion) he did not have to take our little puppy girl outside during the night (I have the day shift). Moxie is so cozy in her PTPA that we are hoping the people at Modern Puppies will consider branching out and making the human version – that’s how wonderful your invention is!!
Thank you for making the lives of all involved so much happier, healthier and harmonious.
Denny & Laura - Arizona
"Strider from New York"
I got Strider a little over 3 months ago when he was 10 weeks old. He's a male rat terrier and my first dog ever. Strider was using the potty pad in his puppy apartment his first night home! And within only a week or so he was using it every time he went potty. Now he actually goes potty there on command when I say, "Go potty"! People can't believe it even when they see it. I love my PTPA! And when I see other dog owners walking their dogs out on the street when it's cold and rainy...I love it even more, believe me :)
Thank you!
Alex - New York
"Cocoa from New Jersey"
We love the Puppy Apartment and our Yorkie does too!
We purchased the Puppy Apartment hoping it would be helpful to train our new Yorkie, Cocoa in the midst of winter. We ordered the Puppy Apartment before we brought our puppy home. My husband was able to assemble it in 10 minutes. At 8 weeks old, on December 24th, we brought Cocoa home as a Christmas gift for our children and we introduced him to the Puppy Apartment. As expected, the 1st night Cocoa cried but by the 2nd night he was sleeping and using his potty pad in the Puppy Apartment. We are still in the midst of potty training Cocoa because of his young age but once in his Puppy Apartment he knows where to go potty with no problems.
Cocoa also enjoys his PTPA Bed (as you can see in the pictures). The Puppy Apartment has been very convenient and helpful. I have three kids ages 10, 8, and 4. My kids can easily move the Puppy Apartment to any area of the house. At night the Puppy Apartment goes in our youngest daughter's room so she can keep an eye on her new puppy. What's best is that we don't wake up to any accidents anywhere in the room. If we want to sleep in on a given morning we don't have to worry about having to take Cocoa out to potty.
I think the Puppy Apartment is very convenient, especially if your puppy is too young to be brought outside during the Winter Season or rainy days. We recently took Cocoa for his 1st vet appointment. The vet is glad Cocoa is being trained to go potty indoors until he has all his shots. The PTPA Potty Pads are like none that I've seen available in stores, made of good quality and very absorbent. I purchased the Puppy Apartment in one payment and it has been well worth the investment.
Thank you to Modern Puppies for the good quality of your products and great customer service.
The Rivera Family – New Jersey
"Ally from Georgia"
Hello everyone! My name is Jessica and this is my 5-month-old italian greyhound Ally. Before the PTPA, we were having so much trouble potty training. We had several things working against us: because of the holiday season my fiancé and I were working a lot and didn't have enough time to devote to potty training, she is a small dog and has to go about every 2 to 3 hours, and she was a little older when we got her. So we started off just trying to take her out when it looked like she needed to go, but that was a horrible fail because she would wind up playing and after several minutes we would bring her in the house and then she would go. So we switched to crate training, once again a fail. Ally was just unable to hold it long enough for us to get to her, so we wound up cleaning the crate and bathing her about twice a day (not to mention it was unhealthy and uncomfortable for her). Then we moved to potty pads. We gated her in the kitchen and laid 2 potty pads down, but for what ever reason it seemed more like she was trying to avoid the pads all together.
By this time we were desperate! We had been trying for a month to potty train little Ally with no progress. So in a last attempt, I went online and came across the YouTube video of the PTPA and I figured with the 30-day trial offer it was worth a shot.
WOW! The PTPA has been a success since day one! We followed the Instructional DVD as close as Ally would let us and one month later she is like a brand new puppy! She automatically knew not to go in her bed and with no accidents we quickly went to Level 2 training and pinned her in the living room where we could keep a close eye on her. A few weeks of treats and praise and the occasional "no!" and just like that she is roaming the house freely, sleeping in our bed, with no accidents! Even with a two-story house she knows exactly where her potty is! At night, she will jump out of bed, do her business, and come right back to bed! It’s incredible!! We still leave her in her PTPA when we aren't home, but that’s our next step! I couldn't be happier with my results! Thank you so much Modern Puppies! And on behalf of Ally "woof woof!" (I think that means thank you).
Jessica - Georgia
"Snuggles from Florida"
I just wanted to let you know how delighted I am with your product. I picked up my 2 month old Yorkie “Snuggles” yesterday and immediately introduced him to his Puppy Apartment. He checked out the entire inside, then immediately went to the potty pad and went potty. I said good boy and gave him a treat.
He has been doing all his business on the PTPA Potty Pads inside his new Puppy Apartment. I can’t believe it!!!! He is only 1.4 lbs.
My thanks to you for creating such a superior product!
Barb - Florida
"Selina from New Jersey"
The PTPA is truly the resolution for indoor potty training for all breeds.
I wanted the best for our newest addition to our family. So I researched on YouTube for the best potty training solutions. When I came across the demo of the PTPA, I was blown away. It was very thorough, and self-explanatory. When I showed it to friends and family they were amazed as well. So that's when I decided to purchase the PTPA. I couldn't have been happier with my choice.
My spoiled blondie hair chihuahua Selina came home at just 7 weeks old. Chihuahuas are known to be very difficult to potty train, which gave me a great opportunity to potty train Selina indoors at the early stages of her life. Within of just 4 weeks of intense training. She began to show great results.
Selina is 5 months old now. She continues to improve each day. Just 2 weeks ago, because of her great success, we purchased the PTPA Playpen in addition to her PTPA. I can't tell you how cheerful this little gal is. Finally to have her own space to run around during the hours when were asleep, or just to develop her independence.
Thank you so much PTPA for making it possible for our Selina.
John - New Jersey
"Abby from Wisconsin"
This is Abby. She is a rescue dog. We weren't going to get another dog because ours took off after a rabbit one night, while out going to the potty. By the time we found him, he had been hit by a car. We said we would never get another dog because we didn't want to go through that again.
Then we found the Puppy Apartment and PTPA potty pads. We went to the shelter and rescued this little cutie and she is very happy using the Puppy Apartment. She knows where the Puppy Apartment is and when she has to go, she just automatically goes there.
We did get another brand of potty pads before ordering your potty pads. They were awful. They leaked and Abby didn't like them. Thanks so much for a great invention where we can feel confident that our little dog is safe.
Glen and Carla – Wisconsin
"Luke from California"
I had wanted a Yorkie puppy for a very long time. However, my partner and pretty much everyone I knew was telling me that Yorkies were impossible to potty train. They said I would become so frustrated with the process that I wouldn't be able to really enjoy the puppy. Despite all the warnings, I started doing my own research online. I was looking for good tips on how to potty train puppies, especially Yorkies. It didn't take me long before I stumbled upon the Modern Puppies website. As I read about the PTPA, it seemed almost too good to be true. I read the testimonials and finally decided to give it a try.
I've had my little Yorkie, Luke, for about a month and a half now. I made sure I had the PTPA all set up and ready for him before he even arrived home. I watched the Instructional DVD and felt pretty positive about giving it a try. I bought the small PTPA and the bed to go along with it (I wanted to make sure Luke was comfortable in his new little apartment). I couldn't believe how much he loved it! It didn't take long before he was snuggling up on his bed. He had a few little accidents but it was almost like he knew exactly what he was supposed to do...he did his business on one side and slept/rested on the other side. Luke has graduated to sleeping with all of the doors on his PTPA open. I even bought him a comfy bed to set outside his PTPA. Much to my surprise, he still spends a lot of his time in his PTPA bedroom. It is his little haven, a place where he feels most at home. I was so wonderfully surprised that this invention had worked. I've read a lot of different articles on how to potty train your puppy...nothing compares to the PTPA! Thank you SO much for making little Luke feel so comfortable in his new home and for making the stress of potty training a new puppy non-existent. I recommend the PTPA to everyone I know. THANK YOU!!!
Amber – California
"Bella from North Carolina"
Bella is a sixteen-week-old Bichon Frise. I was looking on-line for a potty training method that would give me the flexibility of not getting up numerous times during the night for potty breaks or taking her outside during inclement weather. I also wanted the assurance of knowing that when I left the house, I didn't have to hurry back for Bella's next potty break. The search engine easily brought me to Modern Puppies' website. After watching the video clip and reading the testimonials, I knew this was what I was searching for.
When I received the PTPA, assembly took only minutes. Following the detailed DVD instructions, Bella began her PTPA training. Within two weeks she had graduated to Level 2. Three weeks later she was running around the house and had only a couple of accidents, usually when she was so busy playing, she "forgot" to head back to her PTPA. Seven weeks after purchasing the PTPA, Bella is totally potty trained. My friends are amazed when I tell her to "Go Potty" and she heads to her PTPA! I do keep her confined in her Level 2 area (the kitchen) when we leave the house and overnight. This is totally for her safety; I have no worries about potty accidents. The PTPA and Modern Puppies' training approach are incredible. I may, at some point, train Bella to also go potty outside, but intend to set up the PTPA in the laundry room so she always has a place to go.
Susan – North Carolina
"Dixie from Colorado"
Dixie is our first puppy. I always told our kids I would never have a dog in the house. I always felt bad because my kids loved dogs and always begged me for one. When I saw the video for the PTPA, I changed my mind about having a dog.
I love the fact that I don't have to go out in the cold, rain, and snow and take her out to go potty. I also don't have to get up early in the morning, go out late at night, or rush home to let Dixie out. She used the potty pad in her PTPA the first night we got her. We just leave the doors open during the day, and she goes in on her own.
We are getting ready for a long road trip and we are taking the PTPA with us. It fits perfect in the back of our car. Now we won't have to stop every few hours for our puppy to go potty. She can also be safe and just sleep in the PTPA.
Thanks PTPA!
Tim & Linda – Colorado
"LuPae from Michigan"
I followed your instructions in your Instructional DVD and it worked WONDERFULLY. My puppy was only eight weeks old and she was 90% trained within four weeks. Her name is LuPae and she is a Chihuahua, which supposedly is difficult to train. Not difficult at all. She is now five months old, but within two months was trained. We have a huge house for her to travel to her "Potty". I probably should have taken more pictures before sending this, but as you can see...this is an action picture. I have and will continue to recommend your product.
Sharon - Michigan
"Candy from Illinois"
This is my puppy, CANDY. I could not believe the first day I put her in the PTPA, I went to sleep and put her inside her new PTPA and when I woke up and she was doing her thing in the PTPA.
This Puppy Apartment is the real thing. I purchased some potty pad training spray from the pet store before I purchased the PTPA, and now I don't have to put the training spray on the potty pads anymore because she goes without the spray. I'm very happy with the PTPA; I would recommend the PTPA to anyone having trouble training their puppy.
The first time I saw the video of the PTPA, I could not believe it, but I was spending a lot of money on potty pad training spray, so I decided why not try this new PTPA. After a couple days I saw with my own eyes my puppy going potty in the PTPA with the doors open. Now I don't have to clean the floors anymore and I only change the potty pads. The PTPA is amazing!
Hugo – Illinois
"Bella from Pennsylvania"
We brought our little Yorkie "Bella" home on Oct. 21st. It didn't take long for her to adjust to the Puppy Apartment. She was trained in less than three weeks. We bought the PTPA Playpen shortly after that and she loves it! When we go to run errands and set up the Playpen, she can't wait to jump right in. Sometimes when we get home, it is difficult to get her out of it. We can't thank you enough for such a great item. We always read that Yorkies were extremely difficult to house train, but with your PTPA it was a piece of cake!! Thanks again.
Terry & Kathy - Pennsylvania
"Una from Minnesota"
I was looking up on google, "how to potty train a puppy" I came across the PTPA and thought to myself this has to be too good to be true. A puppy would go potty in that little area all the time? Once I watched the demonstration video and saw how it works I was amazed! It actually works! I just hoped with no experience on how to train a puppy, that my puppy would go there too... With the Instructional DVD that comes along with the PTPA when ordered, I was no longer worried about my puppy as I then knew how to make it work.
After a few weeks, my 12-week-old puppy Una, a Miniature Schnauzer is now on level 2 training, with supervision around the house. Una uses the PTPA when she's in the small area, the kitchen. I'm now 100% certain Una will soon graduate from level 2 training and finally be on level 3 with the PTPA.
Thanks to the PTPA I will never have to worry about going down stairways from my apartment to let Una out when bad weather occurs!
Thank you Modern Puppies!
Alexis - Minnesota
"Christy from Arizona"
Christy is a Shih Tzu through and through and we are thrilled with our first experience with a small breed dog. She is smart, funny and so lovable! She loves everyone because, of course, everyone loves her. In her mind, all visitors are here to see her, so she makes it worth their while. We've mastered come, sit, stay, leave it and overall extreme cuteness in six short months. The easiest, by far to teach her, has been using the Puppy Apartment. It is in our bedroom, so when she uses it, she comes and finds us, and then leads us back to it so we can all celebrate going potty in the right place. Given her small stature of only 8 pounds, we appreciate the convenience of an inside potty as we live in an open desert environment frequented by raptors, so she is never outside by herself. Also, the heat can be overwhelming for all of us - staying inside on 100+ degree days is a good thing. Again, kudos for a great invention. We're so glad we found it on the Internet so soon after adding Christy to our family.
Mary - Arizona
"Taz from Maryland"
I purchased my Puppy Apartment a few weeks before I picked up Taz, my Yorkshire Terrier.
I researched all the pet places before deciding on the Puppy Apartment. I kept coming back to Modern Puppies. There was just something that kept drawing me back. I work during the day and I wanted something that Taz could sleep in and go to do his business without it being in one place. I didn’t want just a crate, I wanted something unique.
Everyone kept telling me, that Yorkie’s are very difficult to train. Well, let me tell you! Taz is now 2 months old and he uses his Puppy Apartment, he can be in my bedroom and will go out and go do his business. It has taken me less time to train Taz than my previous pit bull, Castro.
I leave Taz out of his Puppy Apartment during the day, while at work. He roams free in the upstairs hallway and he hasn’t had an accident on the carpet or floor in the past 2 weeks. Now, he does still have a few accidents; while he is downstairs, but that is because he doesn’t go up the stairs all the way by himself. I am now going to start training Taz to go outside per the tips in the PTPA Instructional DVD that show how to transition your dog to potty outside. Thank you PTPA, for giving me less stress and worry while I am not home. Taz loves his Puppy Apartment and so do I!!!
Thank you, Modern Puppies!
Monica - Maryland
"Coco from North Carolina"
Coco is 12 weeks old now and she is a Dachshund. We got her when she was 7 weeks and she immediately took to her PTPA. Once her little legs figured out how to maneuver the doorways she was all set!
We keep her PTPA in our sunroom because it’s nice and bright for her during the day. She enjoys running around the playpen enclosure when we have to keep her in there. During the time that she is out and about in the house, it is nothing for her to stop what she is doing and take off running for her PTPA to take care of her "business.
Given the hours that we work the PTPA has been a great help in training for Coco! We highly recommend it!
Karen – North Carolina
"Spark from Indiana"
This is our 14-week-old Chihuahua, Spark. We have had him since he was 8 weeks old. I ordered the PTPA and he started using it when he was 9 weeks old. He is currently on Level One of the puppy training. We confine him to the kitchen and he is getting the hang of using his Puppy Apartment very nicely. I heard Chihuahuas can be stubborn when it comes to potty training. I am so glad with winter coming that I don't have to take my little sweetie outside to potty and freeze his tail off.
Sherry – Indiana
"Jolie from North Carolina"
All I can say is "Wow!" We are very impressed. The Puppy Apartment saved our lives. Jolie is our 6-month-old Yorkie Terrier. When we first got Jolie, she was only 3 1/2 months old and not potty trained. We use to wake up in the middle of the night just to clean her. Boy was it a mess! I was so frustrated. Then one day, my daughter went online and found the PTPA website. It was too good to be true. We watched the video on YouTube. I was skeptical but desperate, so I gave it a try.
On the first night, Jolie made herself at home in the Puppy Apartment right away. She seemed to be very comfortable in the her Puppy Apartment. The next morning, the kids woke me up cheering because Jolie had used the bathroom properly. The Puppy Apartment wasn't messy. There wasn't a foul odor like it was in the beginning. It was a dream come true. I love the PTPA Potty Pads also. They are the best!
I will definitely spread the word to all of my family and friends who have dogs. We couldn't have done it without you guys!
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you so much!
Deneka - North Carolina
"Louie from California"
Recently my partner and I decided to add a puppy to our family. Louie is a beautiful 4-month-old Bichon Frise who has brought so much joy and laughter into our lives in such a short period of time. My partner has never had a dog as a pet and as a result has fear around the unknown.
When looking for ways to successfully potty train Louie and to do so asap, I came across the PTPA. Once I ordered the puppy apt, it arrived quickly and within the first 6 hours Louie was able to make the connection between the words "Go Potty" and the actual action. The PTPA allowed me to teach Louie using the simple methods demonstrated in the puppy training DVD we received when purchasing the PTPA. Within 3 days Louie graduated to Level 2 potty training.
Needless to say, my partner's fears were put to rest. We are now able to enjoy Louie and Louie is now able to rest and be at ease in his new home. I've since suggested the PTPA to friends who already have dogs and friends who are contemplating. If you have never cared for a puppy and are considering it, the PTPA eliminates most problems that can occur from inexperienced caretakers. PTPA makes training puppies easy and fun!
Lin – California
"Figi from Indiana"
This is the best investment we have made, next to the puppy of course. We had not had a puppy for a long time, and were hesitant about getting one. This PTPA has made our training job very easy. After a couple days, she used it on her own, without us putting her in it. She figured it out quickly. She is 13 weeks old now and is fully trained. The PTPA is the best thing you can get for your puppy!!! The secret is Praise! Praise! and more Praise! Also watch the Instructional DVD a lot.
Beverly – Indiana
"London from Illinois"
I guess my story starts off like the rest. I was watching YouTube on how to potty train a puppy, and from the look of your advertisement I had to give it a try. This is my dog London from Chicago, I purchased her when she was eight weeks from the breeder and she is a teacup pomeranian. Within a week after purchasing the PTPA, I kid you not; the training treats I gave her as per the Instructional DVD made her feel better about using the PTPA. As soon as I installed the PTPA she went right in and laid there so I started to reward her for going in the PTPA and the rest is history. Thank you and I have got nothing but good results!!!!!!!
Shaun - Illinois
"Takei from North Dakota"
I purchased a small size Puppy Apartment for my new Chorkie puppy "Takei". I got Takei as an 8 1/2 week old puppy. We all know that a young puppy like her is usually nowhere near housetrained right? Well, my Puppy Apartment arrived last Friday. I introduced Takei to it and had her sleep in it at night. She burrowed right into the "bedroom" and slept "like a baby". I know that she enjoyed being able to see out no matter where she looked....she didn't like the pet carrier that she had to sleep in for the two days until the Puppy Apartment showed up (she couldn't see except out the mesh door). Well, we did a lot of out-of-the-Puppy-Apartment activities and placing her in there every 1/2 hour. Mind you, at this point I had forgotten about the Instructional DVD that comes with the Puppy Apartment so I was winging it. Well, a few days later I remembered the Instructional DVD and watched it and was amazed that I was almost doing what it said. I adjusted to the few things I was not doing per the DVD and believe it or not - Takei was using the Puppy Apartment on her own within the day!!! She actually stops playing in mid leap now and runs for her "bathroom"!!! When she is done, I praise her and give her a treat and she dances for me!
Remember, she is now only 9 weeks old and 90% housebroke already!! Yes, she still has a few mistakes but what a pleasure to have a nearly housebroken PUPPY!! She loves her Puppy Apartment and has no qualms with going in for the evening. I had tried training her with store-bought potty pads before the Puppy Apartment arrived and all she did with them is drag them around the house and shred them....with the pads that I bought from Modern Puppies, she doesn't drag or chew them and knows they are for relieving herself. The pads are a bit spendy but cheaper in the long run when you figure they won't use the store bought ones. The other fabulous thing about the Modern Puppies pads is they are super absorbent and odor free!! I tried an experiment when Takei peed on her pad the other day......the minute she was done, I wiped my finger across the pee spot and my finger did NOT come up wet!! The pee had gelled immediately and does not track out of the apartment!
All I can say as a testament is GET the Puppy Apartment!! Well worth the price and a lifelong investment. It's not something you buy, use to train and throw in the garage...........this is a "forever" piece that will pay for itself over and over again!!
Nancie – North Dakota
"Merlyn from Illinois"
There are no words to express our delight with your Puppy Apartment and PTPA Potty Pads.
Before Merlyn, who is now 7 months old, we had another Yorkie for 13 1/2 years. The old potty pads we purchased in the past were awful, they smelled and did not contain the urine and frequently leaked to the back of the potty pad.
Your PTPA Potty Pads are the greatest, and we will be using them for all the time that Merlyn is with us!!!
Before purchasing your Puppy Apartment, I called Modern Puppies and the representative that took my call answered all my questions. That's what I call customer service!
Thanks so much,
Judy - Illinois
"Ginger from Ohio"
We’ve been so pleased with the PTPA we bought for our mini doxie. The PTPA Potty Pads are just the right size and allow for easy cleanup. This is so much easier and cleaner than any other puppy training we’ve done with previous dogs. Ginger loves her bed and runs to the PTPA when she has to potty. She gets a treat each time.
We found Modern Puppies by doing a Google search, then watching the YouTube video we found. So very happy we did.
I feared my house would be difficult to box in a dog for training and now there is no need. We keep her PTPA on our sunny enclosed porch with access to the kitchen and living room. It is so nice to know there is a place she can go without messing in my house.
It’s funny – before I did the Google search I had her bedding in a pet taxi and I kept thinking “someone needs to make a divider so some of the cage can be a bed and some can be a potty”…and look – your company already came up with the idea, just in time for our new puppy. Thanks!
Kathy – Ohio
"Kenya from Texas"
We got our puppy Kenya, a Bossi-Poo aka Boston Terrier Poodle mix when she just 8 weeks old. We started her with the PTPA right away. We were a little skeptical at first because she would sleep on both sides, but eventually she started sleeping only in her bed, got that down finally. I would say it took about a month for her to get the hang of using her PTPA.
We live in an apartment and we don't have much grass outside for her to go potty on, so the PTPA really came in handy. Kenya loves her PTPA. I would recommend this to a friend. Thank you guys for this invention!!!
Tiffany - Texas
"Chico from Illinois"
Chico is an eight-month-old applehead chihuahua and our first dog ever. We have being using the PTPA for about two months now. We had looked extensively into other potty training methods and found that this has been the easiest along with being the most convenient for our entire family. Chico loves his Puppy Apartment and enjoys snuggling up in it every night. We are so glad that we found the PTPA since the Chicago winters can be freezing, and we wanted to keep our little Chico out of the cold and the snow. It was well worth the investment, and we would recommend it to anyone that has a dog.
Ashley - Illinois
"Sophie from Montana"
This is Sophie from Montana. She is now 16 weeks old, and has been using her Puppy Apartment since she was 8 weeks old. When I was considering the pros and cons of getting a new puppy, I googled "crate training". Finding the Puppy Apartment was what pushed me over the edge to bring her home with me. I love the idea that I can leave her during the day in her room and not worry that she will have accidents. Living in Montana, I envisioned all those sub-zero mornings that I wouldn't have to take her outside to potty.
Nancy - Montana
"Dash from Maryland"
My pup’s name is Dash and he is 16 weeks old now. This is my first pet other than a goldfish as a kid, so I was very excited and did a lot of research on getting everything ready for him to come home and be comfortable. I found the Puppy Apartment and I had never seen anything like it. The YouTube video and the 30-day trial offer sold me on the product.
I have seasonal allergies; so I knew that I wanted to indoor house train my pup. When I first got him, he went on the potty pad. I like that the Puppy Apartment has the Room Divider inside which allows him to sleep comfortably and relax while I am at work. We are still working on getting him to Level 2, but I am looking forward to the days where I can have all of the doors off the Puppy Apartment and Dash can run freely and knows to go back to his Puppy Apartment to potty.
Modern Puppies customer service replies promptly to emails and phone calls. Their customer service is wonderful. If you plan on house training your pup, I recommend getting a Puppy Apartment!
Danielle - Maryland
"Scout from Alabama"
I purchased a PTPA for my Boston Terrier puppy Scout. He's a little more than 8 weeks old and I've had him for a week.
Scout started picking up on the training immediately. After just a couple of days, he already started running over to his PTPA Potty Pad when he needed to relieve himself during the day and in the morning. I usually find 3-4 little puddles on the pad where he went at night. He doesn't whine and I don't have to get up to take him outside; it’s great for both of us!
I will never potty train a puppy any other way.
Thank you!
Ben - Alabama
"Sophie from New York"
When I bought the PTPA, I didn't know what to expect because I had originally planned on getting a puppy but ended up adopting a 2 1/2 year old longhaired dachshund named Sophie. Sophie came completely housebroken, but because of my work schedule I wanted Sophie to be able to have an indoor bathroom so she wouldn't have to wait for me to take her out. She immediately took to her bedroom; she loved it, and went in without coercion. She knew that was her sanctuary. In her desire to please me however, at first she wouldn't use the PTPA to go potty. I had to take her out on walks for her to go potty. Then after watching the Instructional DVD again for what to do with an older dog, I followed the tips and techniques and sure enough she went potty in her PTPA.
After not taking her outside to potty for about a week, she realized that it was also okay for her to go potty in her PTPA. I praised her after she would use it just like the Instructional DVD showed me. It may take longer to break an older dog from the habit of going outside, to now go inside the PTPA. I recommend the PTPA, but give a word of advice for those adopting older adult dogs already trained to go outside, to have patience and be prepared to follow the Instructional DVD regarding older dogs.
Suzie & Sophie – New York
"Bonita from Washington"
When we brought our little Bonita home (3 month old Yorkie X Chinese Crested) we were realizing exactly what it meant to housetrain a puppy! We looked around online and discovered the Puppy Apartment!!! Since we brought it home - it has been WONDERFUL! Not only does she know where to leave her little ...... surprises - but she loves her little bed in there too. Often she will go in there just to lie down and chew on something (like in this picture). When she has made "mistakes" sometimes she will put her head down and walk into her potty room and lie down there looking like she feels bad and knows that is where it should have gone. We have had the Puppy Apartment for about a month now and she is about 99% trained. We love the Puppy Apartment and will have it for the lifetime of our little Bonita.
Brenda – Washington
"Izzy from California"
Hi, my name is Izzy. I am a very small Mini Pin. First, I want to tell you we live in South Lake Tahoe Ca. Mornings are 20 degrees and I am so glad I don't have to go outside to potty. I am so proud that my owners bought me my Puppy Apartment. Please understand this is my space, not a cage or place to be punished!!…It is my wonderful cave and no one is allowed in, except my owners and me. My owners change my potty pad and I have learned that it’s okay to potty on the potty pad, which is great because sometimes I have to go right away.
I know I am loved and I wait in my safe Puppy Apartment when my owners go somewhere. When they are gone they give me a special treat. My Puppy Apartment is my own place in our house. My owners have their rooms and I have mine. I love my Puppy Apartment. I give it 5 stars!
Susan - California
"Little Jack from Ohio"
My name is Maria and Little Jack is a fun and vibrant little Yorkie. He is my 4th little Yorkie in my lifetime, although I have 2 terriers and 2 cats presently. The Puppy Apartment is a lifesaver for someone who works often and has a new puppy in the winter months especially. Little Jack AKA Donavon - his call name from the breeder, really likes his Puppy Apartment and goes there to chew his bones so his sister Jingles and brother Spiffy do not get his bone. It is so nice to have the puppy pads to assist Jack in the potty training process. He knows what it means when I tell him " go to your puppy pad little Jack." He runs very fast and goes right to it!
Thank you Modern Puppies!
I wish I had the Puppy Apartment with my male Yorkie, Snarfy 20 years ago!
Maria - Ohio
"Tucker from New Mexico"
I have a 2-year-old male Dachshund/Wirehaired mix name Tucker. The PTPA has been a great way to keep Tucker and I very happy. Not only does the Puppy Apartment offer an area that is safe and warm for Tucker to sleep but also a place for him to stretch and potty as well. It keeps my home clean as well as lets Tucker remain comfortable throughout the day. If I'm at work, the Puppy Apartment lets me be there worry free. No need for me to wonder if my dog is destroying my home by chewing it up or pottying everywhere. I have already recommended this product to others with puppies and even adult dogs. So I also recommend this to anyone who may read this review, I give the PTPA a 10 out of 10.
Jacob - New Mexico
"Jasper from Illinois"
I was not excited at first about getting a new puppy. My daughter and I live in a lovely second floor, two-bedroom condo. I envisioned sleepless nights and urine-stained carpets. We discovered the YouTube video of the Puppy Apartment, and I was willing to consider this interesting approach to puppy training.
The Puppy Apartment arrived the day before we picked up our welsh terrier, Jasper. We watched the DVD explaining the training process, and we talked through what our routine would be like for this new addition to our family. There have been no sleepless nights and Jasper's accidents have been extremely limited. I am thrilled!
The Puppy Apartment makes so much sense and has been so easy to use. We have had Jasper for less than three weeks, and we are almost ready to move on to Level 2 of the training. The Puppy Apartment is great!
Debbie - Illinois
"Cujo from Maryland"
I adopted Cujo at 8 weeks and I learned about the Puppy Apartment one week after I brought my little guy home. I found the YouTube video while I was searching the web for potty training tips.After viewing the video, I was convinced and bought the PTPA immediately.
The best part about my purchase was that the company allowed me to pay in installments and they included reinforcement treats (that Cujo loves) and a puppy pad to start with.
After 2 months of patience I can finally say that Cujo has been 100% potty trained! I knew it the moment he looked into my eyes and entered his PTPA and proceeded to drop a sausage AND drain the lizard, that he has been delivered from making accidents next to the PTPA and on my carpet. After our huge celebration dance and treat fest, my big boy had an epiphany! Ever since that day, he has consistently used the PTPA and I have allowed him to have free roam and he has not let me down.
Although I realize that not all people support a dog using the potty indoors, I think it would be safe to say that ALL would agree that if given a choice to have an accident on the carpet (repeatedly) or consistently on a potty pad that can be disposed of quickly, that the PTPA is the most reasonable option.
Milana – Maryland
"Nathan from New York"
As the owner of an 8-week old Dachshund named Nathan (I named him after Nathan’s franks, since he reminds me of a hotdog), I was faced with the challenge of potty training a puppy that is extremely independent and self-motivated by nature. The PTPA allows him to please his owner while still being able to maintain his level of independence.
There are many clever inventions on the market designed to minimize the stress many puppy owners face when potty training their beloved young pup, however, the PTPA is the best invention I’ve ever seen!
It allows the puppy to be potty trained in a non-labor intensive manner by way of taking advantage of the puppy’s natural instinct not to soil where he sleeps. The PTPA also allows the puppy to be positively reinforced by adding various levels of freedom as the level of trust is increased with both the owner and puppy.
After watching the PTPA Instructional DVD, I was off to a great start. My puppy is now 10 weeks old and he is already on Level 2 of the PTPA training. I am extremely confident that he will be at Level 3 in no time. Thanks PTPA!
Matt – New York
"Rocky from Kentucky"
Rocky, a Teacup Yorkie, is our first pet. We never knew what to expect when he first entered our lives. We all knew potty training was going to be a challenge, and did not know the first thing about potty training a puppy. We knew we did not want Rocky to go outside during the winter because of the BIG birds and also our backyard is not closed in. When we first came across the Puppy Apartment, we were all so excited. The first day we got the Puppy Apartment, we put it together and Rocky jumped right in and explored his new home. In the next couple of hours he used the "potty room" inside his Puppy Apartment. The Puppy Apartment has made the whole potty training experience easier than we imagined. Rocky says hi!!!!
Thanks PTPA!!!
Chris and Melanie – Kentucky
"Mojo from Texas"
I was on YouTube one day trying to find ways to potty train my 4-month-old Mojo who was having a hard time with crate training. We just had the regular crate where we had to let her out and use the regular plastic puppy pad that just lay on the floor. Mojo wouldn't always go on the pad and when she did she often missed the pad by an inch or two. I think it was because she did not really have any boundaries and couldn't tell the difference between the puppy pad and the actual floor. She would often urinate right in her crate too, which would lead her hair to turn yellow.
Then on the side of the YouTube website I saw an ad for Modern Puppies. I called the office to ask a few questions then decided to buy a Puppy Apartment. Once I received the Puppy Apartment my husband was able to assemble it with ease. We took all three doors off so our dog Mojo would be able to go in and out of the Puppy Apartment three different ways. Mojo would run around our apartment and when she felt the urge to urinate she would run into her Puppy Apartment and urinate on the right area. My husband and I were surprised that she knew where to go right away. She was able to do this with just one day of having the Puppy Apartment.
We thought that Mojo would never get potty trained until now. It has now been a few weeks and whenever we tell her to go potty she is able to do it on command and into the "bathroom" area (we learned how to do this from the Instructional DVD that came with the Puppy Apartment). The Puppy Apartment is wonderful because we live on the second floor and our Vet has told us that she cannot go outside yet because she has not had all her shots. The Puppy Apartment allows us to potty train her in our apartment. Thank you Modern Puppies.
Billy, Jessica, and Mojo - Texas
"Krosby from Maine"
Krosby is a Morkie about 15 weeks old now and weighs about 6 pounds. His Puppy Apartment is especially loved at bedtime. He loves his Puppy Apartment next to us where he can feel secure and he doesn't make a peep all night. We also tried a pet store brand potty pad and none of us were pleased and we must say the PTPA Potty Pads are the best!
Allison - Maine
"Puddles from New York"
I happened to find the PTPA video on YouTube when I was searching for a video of my puppy. I was intrigued and did more research on your website. After speaking with a Modern Puppies representative over the phone, I decided to purchase one.
Well, needless to say, I'm amazed. I set up my PTPA on Friday. Today is Monday and there has not been one accident since it was set up! Puddles, my 10-week-old miniature poodle puppy adapted to it immediately. As soon as it was set up, without any encouragement he went through it and settled into his bedroom for a sit down. I live in a large studio apartment in Manhattan and because of the set up, the PTPA is situated between my kitchen and my living room. The two end doors are open one leading into the kitchen and one into the living room . His bedroom is in full sight of my living room. I have a Murphy Bed in that room so that he can see me. This is where I spend most of my time when I am home. During the day when I'm not home, he has the entire kitchen and a very small area in front of the PTPA which we call his "veranda" as his living area.
What is amazing to me is that Puddles will be playing in the living room and all of a sudden make a b-line for the PTPA in order to do his business. Today I went to work and I was out for 5 hours. When I returned home, he had used the PTPA a few times and did not soil the kitchen! Before the PTPA, he started to use the wee-wee pad but we had about a 40% failure rate. I can't say how pleased I am with your product. I would recommend this to anyone raising a puppy. It's a miracle! Absolutely superb!
Deborah - New York