Ibizan Hound Potty Training
Modern Puppies has the best solution for potty training this breed with our Potty Training Puppy Apartment. We suggest watching the video on our home page for more details. Below is more information about this breed:
The Ibizan should possess deer-like elegance and expression, and its movement should reflect these qualities. Its lithe build enables it to perform the double-suspension gallop with great speed, agility and endurance. It is a superb jumper, able to spring to great heights from a standstill. It is racy, slightly longer than tall. With the exception of its large ears, it should not be exaggerated in any way. The trot is light and graceful. The coat can be hard, either short or wire — the latter should be from 1 to 3 inches in length. The graceful Ibizan hound retains great hunting instinct, using its acute senses of hearing and smell to locate small animals, and relishing the opportunity to chase anything that moves. Unlike most sighthounds, it barks when chasing. It is reserved with strangers; some can be timid. It is gentle, mild-mannered, even-tempered and loyal, and makes a quiet, trustworthy house pet.
As an independent and athletic dog, the Ibizan hound needs daily exercise in a safe area. Ideal exercise allows the dog to stretch out at full speed, but its needs can also be met with long walks or jogs on leash, combined with an occasional chance to run full out. The Ibizan is not generally kept as an outside dog, although it can live outdoors in temperate climates given warm shelter and soft bedding. It is a skilled jumper, which should be taken into consideration when designing an enclosure. The smooth coat requires only occasional brushing, whereas the wire coat requires weekly brushing as well as occasional hand-plucking of dead hairs.
The Ibizan hound probably shares the same roots as the pharaoh hound, bearing uncanny resemblance to the dogs depicted in Egyptian tombs and to the jackal god Anubis. Phoenician sea traders may have taken the dogs to the island of Ibiza in ancient times, where they remained in relative seclusion. Ibiza saw many rulers through the ages, coming under the auspices of the Egyptians, Chaldeans, Carthaginians, Romans, Vandals, Arabs and, most recently, Spanish. Hannibal was born on a neighboring island, and some say the Ibizan hound was the dog that accompanied him across the Alps. With little outside influence, the dogs of Ibiza remain uncontaminated by crosses to other breeds. The hard conditions on the island imposed stringent selection by islanders because only the best rabbit hunters could be allowed to procreate or, for that matter, survive. These factors produced a hardy, true breeding dog that is little changed from its ancestral stock. The first Ibizan hound came to America in the 1950s. The breed's striking appearance aroused much attention but has failed to attract a great number of pet owners. The Ibizan hound gradually gained enough popularity to warrant AKC recognition in 1979, but it remains one of the rarer breeds.