If you prefer to fast-forward to a specific section of the video, simply drag the small circle in the play bar to the specific start time. Below are start times for different sections of the video:
0:00 - 3:45 How to Assemble
3:45 - Close Up details & options section begins
3:55 - 4:32 (Securing the Plastic Pan with the Pan Stop)
4:35 - 4:45 (Attaching the Plastic Carrying Handle)
4:48 - 5:39 (inserting the Adjustable Room Divider)
5:41 - 6:44 (Securing the Door Panel to the Top Panel)
6:47 - 8:19 (Separating any stuck wires)
8:23 - 9:01 (Removing & Inserting the Plastic Pan)
9:04 - 10:34 (Adjusting & Removing any of the doors)
10:37 - 11:37 (Remove the Locking Devices - This is optional)
11:43 - 13:45 How to Disassemble